
Jim Mitchell

Personal & Corporate Leadership Consultant

Jim Mitchell is a native of Arizona and a recognized personal and corporate leadership consultant facilitating the building of high-performance cultures, teams and individuals as well as offering heart-based leadership coaching, consulting and facilitation to organizations large and small.

Mitchell began his own personal journey of growth, discovery, uncovery, recovery and transformation 30 years ago. He has been active internationally in the men’s growth and leadership movement for more than 25 years, as well as lending support and leadership to a variety of organizations doing good in the world.

Another passion and avocation has been supporting and leading initiation and rites of passage weekend experiences for a diverse group of men around the world from Mexico to England and South Africa to Australia, as well as for those serving life-time sentences in Folsom Prison, for boys 12-17 years old, and African American women and men.

Mitchell is known for creating safe and sacred containers where deep personal leadership, growth and transformation can happen individually and collectively. He takes the “woojie woojie” out of growth and transformation and replaces it with real ‘feet on the ground’ practices and results. And a bit of magic for good measure!

Connect with Mitchell via his website: Leadership Magic

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