YPO Global Pulse

The YPO Global Pulse report gathers insights from global chief executives on the topics that influence businesses and drive leadership decisions.
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YPO Global Pulse: Recession Fears Decline

Societal Concerns Emerge for CEOs

In the latest YPO Global Pulse Survey, chief executives worldwide are increasingly optimistic about sidestepping a global recession, marking respondents’ lowest level of recession expectations in the past year. This sentiment of more than 2,500 YPO members hailing from 104 countries is mirrored in their respective primary markets, with 61.8% of respondents expressing confidence in avoiding a downturn.

Past YPO Global Pulse reports

The Future Is Bright: Economic Optimism is On the Rise

A greater proportion of CEOs foresee improving conditions in the next six months for the first time since the index started in 2023. Nearly 10% anticipate significant improvement, and 37% express confidence in a brighter outlook. This shift reflects a positive stance adopted by nearly half of respondents, compared to a third in October 2023. However, optimism varies across regions and industries, reflecting diverse economic landscapes and challenges.


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YPO Global Pulse: Geopolitical Uncertainty Overshadows Economic Factors

How can leaders best capitalize on today’s business environment? To understand actions leaders are taking as well as plans they are setting in motion, YPO recently conducted a survey of 1,681 chief executives from across 96 countries and more than 47 industries. YPO is the world’s largest global community of chief executives in the world with 33,000 members. This survey of a representative sample from across their membership provides insight into how CEOs from across the world view workplace trends, the state of the global economy, and the actions necessary to move forward.

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