Being healthy encompasses many facets of your life. Taking time to focus on how your health and leadership merge not only benefits you personally but can affect your profits and your team in multiple ways. Here’s a selection of health and wellness articles featured in Real Leaders, the preferred partner publication of YPO, that focuses on mental, physical and spiritual tips to keep you on top of your game.

Real Leaders Prioritizing Health

8 Simple Strategies to Avoid Leadership Burnout

Are you experiencing work overwhelm? You’re not alone. Today a whopping two out of three full-time workers are wrestling with burnout, according to a recent Gallup study. For leaders, this can be compounded with added responsibilities. Here are 8 simple strategies to help make sure you are not on your way to a full-blown burnout.

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Leadership and health

This CEO Merges Business, Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom

Profoundly impacted by the experience of silence and transcendence during a retreat with an Indian spiritual leader, CEO Louis Gagnon brought this ancient knowledge to his team at Amazon’s Audible. “Our team was engaged, opened and excited to have the rare luxury to focus on themselves as individuals – individuals as a conduit and lever to ourselves as a team,” Gagnon shares. “We all felt deeply rejuvenated and at peace with each other. That, ultimately, built trust – the ultimate ingredient to teamwork.”

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Real Leaders Healing

You Can’t Spell Health Without Heal

Feeling unfulfilled and uninspired by society’s definition of success, Sylvia Feliciano, Founder of Solace Mind, decided to seek more from life than just personal achievement. She found it in a place she didn’t expect — a yoga studio. After trying yoga nidra — a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world — she discovered something different about herself.

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