IPO momentum continued to slow from Q1 into Q2, resulting in a considerable decline in both deal numbers and proceeds. Heightened volatility caused by geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic factors, declining valuation and poor post-IPO share price performance led to the postponement of many IPOs during the quarter. The dramatic slowdown in IPO activity in YTD 2022 after a record year in 2021 was experienced across most major markets.
For Q2 2022, the global IPO market saw 305 deals raising US$40.6b in proceeds, a decrease of 54% and 65%, respectively, year-over-year (YOY). Through YTD 2022, there were a total of 630 IPOs raising US$95.4b in proceeds, reflecting decreases of 46% and 58%, respectively, YOY.
The 10 largest IPOs by proceeds raised US$40b, with energy dominating three of the top four deals, replacing the technology sector as the top IPO fund raiser. The technology sector continued to lead by number, but the average IPO deal size came down from US$293m to US$137m, whereas energy has overtaken to lead by proceeds with average deal size increasing from US$191m to US$680m YOY.