Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It’s what makes your business unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors and attitudes. This collection of articles featured in Real Leaders, the preferred partner publication of YPO, focuses on how positive workplace culture attracts talent, drives engagement, impacts happiness and satisfaction and affects performance.

workplace culture

How to Evolve A Workplace Culture

For an organization to ensure that its people are fit for the future of work, it needs to allow time for them to define what the new, vibrant cultural state will require, and then hold them accountable to it.

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How to Ensure Values Are Actually Lived in Your Organization

Most leaders today understand the importance of having clearly articulated values that guide the decisions and behaviors of team members. Unfortunately, many organizations treat “core values” as just another couple of buzz words that inspire team members and customers for a brief period.

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workplace culture

Building A Love-Based Work Culture: Why Aspiration Outperforms Desperation

Business culture starts at the top, and it has a profound effect on everything from employee engagement and customer satisfaction to long-term performance. But according to a Gallup report on the State of the American Workplace, 70% of employees in the workforce are disengaged, and 87% feel emotionally disconnected from their workplaces. So, what would happen if you based your culture on love?

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